15 February 2011

Apache Solr: Accessing the Solr server using perl

    This module is used to interact with Apache Solr web application. Apache solr by default runs on 8983 port. Apache solr provides web interface for updating, searching the document. This module basically is used for updating the index data and searching the document.

Required Module:
  • XML::Simple
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • HTTP::Request::Common
  • URI::Escape
  • JSON
Save the following  in Solr folder As Solr.pm
It uses HTTP web request to interact with Apache Solr.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package Solr::Solr;

require XML::Simple;
require LWP::UserAgent;
require HTTP::Request::Common;
require URI::Escape;
require JSON;

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = {
    _AUTOCOMMIT => 0,
    _SOLR_URL => shift,
    is_error => 0,
    error => undef
    if (! $self->{_SOLR_URL}) {
    $self->{_SOLR_URL} = 'http://localhost:8983/solr';
    $self->{_SOLR_POST_URL} = "$self->{_SOLR_URL}/update";
    $self->{_SOLR_SEARCH_URL} ="$self->{_SOLR_URL}/select";
    $self->{_SOLR_ADMIN_URL} = "$self->{_SOLR_URL}/admin";
    $self->{_SOLR_PING_URL} = "$self->{_SOLR_ADMIN_URL}/ping";
    $self->{_CT_XML} = { Content_Type => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' };
    $slef->{_CT_JSON} = { Content_Type => 'text/json'};
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

# method: autocommit
#    This is method is used for setting the autocommit on or off.
# params:
#     flag: 1 or 0, 1 for setting autocommit on and 0 for off.
# return
#    always returns true
sub autocommit
    my ($self, $flag) = @_;
    $self->{_AUTOCOMMIT} = $flag | 1;
    return 1;

# method: add
#     This method is used for adding documents for indexing.
# It sends a xml http request.  First it will convert the raw
# datastructure to required ds then it will convert this ds to
# xml. This xml will be posted to Apache solr for indexing.
# Depending on the flag AUTOCOMMIT the documents will be indexed
# immediatly or on commit is issued.
# params:
#     Params: This parameter specifies set of list of document
#        document fileds and values.
# return
#    1 for successful posting of the xml document
#    0 for any failure
# Check error method for for getting the error details for last command
sub add
    my ($self, $params) = @_;
    my $ds = $self->_rawDsToSolrDs($params);
    my $doc = $self->_toXML($ds, 'add');
    my $commit = $self->{_AUTOCOMMIT} ? 'true' : 'false';
    my $url = "$self->{_SOLR_POST_URL}?commit=" . $commit;
    my $response = $self->_request($url, 'POST', undef, $self->{_CT_XML}, $doc);

    return 1 if ($self->_parseResponse($response));
    return 0;

# method: commit
#    This method is used for commiting the transaction that was initiated.
#     Request XML format:
#         true
# params : -
# returns :
#    1 for success
#    0 for any failure
# Check error method for for getting the error details for last command
sub commit
    my ($self) =  @_;
    my $url = $self->{_SOLR_POST_URL};
    my $cmd = $self->_toXML('true', 'commit');
    my $response = $self->_request($url, 'POST', undef, $self->{_CT_XML}, $cmd);

    return 1 if ($self->_parseResponse($response));
    return 0;

# method: commit
#    This method is used for issuing rollback on transaction that
# was initiated. Request XML format:
#     <rollback>
# params : -
# returns :
#    1 for success
#    0 for any failure
# Check error method for for getting the error details for last command
sub rollback
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $url = $self->{_SOLR_POST_URL};
    my $cmd = $self->_toXML('', 'rollback');
    my $response = $self->_request($url, 'POST', undef, $self->{_CT_XML}, $cmd);

    return 1 if ($self->_parseResponse($response));
    return 0;

# method: exists
#    This method is used for checking if the document with ID specified
# exists in solr index database or not.
# params :
#    id: document id for searching in solr dabase for existance
# returns :
#    1 for success
#    0 for any failure
# Check error method for for getting the error details for last command
sub exists
    my ($self, $id) = @_;
    my $url = "$self->{_SOLR_SEARCH_URL}?q=id:$id";
    my $response = $self->_request($url, 'GET');
    my $status = ($self->_parseResponse($response));
    if ($status) {
    my $xs = new XML::Simple();
    my $xmlRef;
    eval {
        $xmlRef = $xs->XMLin($response->{response});
    if ($xmlRef->{lst}->{'int'}->{status}->{content} eq 0){
        if ($xmlRef->{result}->{numFound} gt 0) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

# method: search
#    This methods is used for searching the documents in Apache solr database
# params :
#    queryParams : extra params that are used while extracting the solr
#    docs, e.g. fl: which fields needs to in output,
#           wt: solr response format (json, xml)
#           hl: hightlighting (true/false)
#                  rows: number of records to extract(used while paging
#                  default is 10);
#    query: specify the query params,
#        { q => specifies the default search field}
#       resultformat : in which format to return the result
#       skipEscape: for this params url escap is not done
# returns :
#    response from apache solr in format specified in $resultformat argument
#    if no resultformat is specified default is 'xml' for success
#     undef for failure   
# Check error method for for getting the error details for last command
sub search
    my ($self, $queryParams, $query, $resultformat, $skipEscape)  = @_;
    $skipEscape = {} unless $skipEscape;

    # If output format is not passed set it to XML
    $resultformat = "xml" unless $resultformat;

    my $url = "$self->{_SOLR_SEARCH_URL}";

    my $queryField = "";
    if (! $query) {
    $self->{is_error} = 1;
    $self->{errmsg} = "Query params not specified";
    return undef;

    # Add query params to queryString
    foreach my $key (keys %$queryParams) {
    $queryField .= "$key=". URI::Escape::uri_escape($queryParams->{$key}) . "&";

    # Add solr query to queryString
    my $qStr = "q=";
    if (defined $query->{q}) {
        $qStr .= URI::Escape::uri_escape($query->{q}). "&";
    } else {
    foreach my $key (keys %$query) {
        if (defined $skipEscape->{$key}) {
        $qStr .= "+$key:" . $query->{$key} ." $DEFAULT_FIELD_CONNECTOR ";
        } else {
               $qStr .= "+$key:" . URI::Escape::uri_escape($query->{$key}) .
                        " $DEFAULT_FIELD_CONNECTOR ";
    # Remove last occurance of ' AND '
    $qStr =~ s/ AND $//g;
    $queryField .= "&$qStr";

    my $response = $self->_request("$url?$queryField", 'GET');
    $responseCode = $self->_parseResponse($response, $resultformat);
    if ($responseCode) {
    if ($resultformat eq "json") {
        my $out = JSON::from_json($response->{response});
        $response->{response} = $out;
        return $response;
    return $response;

# method: ping
#    This methods is check Apache solr server is reachable or not
# params : -
# returns :
#     1 for success   
#     0 for failure
# Check error method for for getting the error details for last command
sub ping
    my ($self, $errors) = @_;
    my $response = $self->_request($self->{_SOLR_PING_URL}, 'GET');

    return 1 if ($self->_parseResponse($response));
    return 0;

sub clear_error
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->{is_error} = 0;
    $self->{error} = undef;

# method: error
#     returns the errors details that was occured during last transaction action.  
# params : -
# returns : response details includes the following details
#    {
#          url => 'url which is being accessed',
#       response => 'response from server',
#       code => 'response code',
#       errmsg => 'for any internal error error msg'
#     }
sub error
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{error};

# Internal Method used for sending HTTP
# url : Requested url
# method : HTTP method
# dataType : Type of data posting (binary or text)
# headers : headers as key => value pair
# data : if binary it will as sequence of character
#          if text it will be key => value pair
sub _request
    my ($self, $url, $method, $dataType, $headers, $data) = @_;

    # Intialize the request params if not specified
    $dataType = ($dataType) ? $dataType : 'text';
    $method = ($method) ? $method : 'POST';
    $url = ($url) ? $url : $self->(_SOLR_URL);
    $headers = ($headers) ?  $headers : {};
    $data = ($data) ? $data: '';

    my $out = {};

    # create a HTTP request
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    my $request = HTTP::Request->new;

    # set headers
    foreach my $header (keys %$headers) {
    $request->header($header =>  $headers->{$header});

    # set data for posting

    # Send request and receive the response
    my $response = $ua->request($request);
    $out->{responsecode} = $response->code();
    $out->{response} = $response->content;
    $out->{url} = $url;
    return $out;

# Internal Method:
# method to parse solr server response
sub _parseResponse
    my ($self, $response, $responseType) = @_;

    # Clear the error fields
    $self->{is_error} = 0;
    $self->{error} = undef;
    $responseType = "xml" unless $responseType;

    # Check for successfull request/response
    if ($response->{responsecode} eq "200") {
           if ($responseType eq "json") {
        my $resRef = JSON::from_json($response->{response});
        if ($resRef->{responseHeader}->{status} eq 0) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        my $xs = new XML::Simple();
        my $xmlRef;
        eval {
              $xmlRef = $xs->XMLin($response->{response});
        if ($xmlRef->{lst}->{'int'}->{status}->{content} eq 0){
        return 1;
    $self->{is_error} = 1;
    $self->{error} = $response;
    $self->{error}->{errmsg} = $@;
    return 0;

# Internal Method
# This function will convert the datastructe to XML document
sub _toXML
    my ($self, $params, $rootnode) = @_;
    my $xs = new XML::Simple();
    my $xml;
    if (! $rootnode) {
    $xml = $xs->XMLout($params);
    } else {
    $xml = $xs->XMLout($params, rootname => $rootnode);
    return $xml;

# Convert raw DS to sorl requird DS.
# Input format :
#    [
#    {
#        attr1 => [ value1, value2],
#        attr2 => [valu3, value4]
#    },
#    ...
#    ]
# Output format:
#    [
#    { field => [ { name => attr1, content => value1 },
#             { name => attr1, content => value2 },
#             { name => attr2, content => value3 },
#             { name => attr2, content => value4 }
#            ],
#    },
#    ...
#    ]
sub _rawDsToSolrDs
    my ($self, $docs) = @_;
    my $ds = [];
    for my $doc (@$docs) {
    my $d = [];
    for my $field (keys %$doc) {
        my $values = $doc->{$field};
        if (scalar (@$values)) {
        for my $val (@$values) {
            push @$d, {name => $field, content => $val};
        } else {
        push @$d, { name => $field, content => $values};
    push @$ds, {field => $d};
    $ds = { doc => $ds };
    return $ds;

How to Use this module:

1. Load the Solr module

require Solr::Solr;

2. Creating a Solr instance

my $solr = Solr::Solr->new();

3. Checking if the Solr server is reachable or not

if (! $solr->ping()) {
   print "\n Error: " . solr->error->{response};
   exit 1;

4. Setting autocommit on / off


5. Searching Solr Server

$count = 100;
$start = 0;
my $params = {
   fl => 'id bookname',
   wt => 'json',
   rows => $count,
   hl => 'false',
   start=> $start,
   count=> $count
my $query = { q => "Black Book" };
my $response = solr->query($params, $query, "json");
if (! $response) {
   print "\n Error: " . solr->error->{response};
   exit 1;

6. Adding documents for indexing

my $ds = [ { 

     id => 1,
     name => 'java 2',
     author => 'Steven Holzner et al.',
     isbn => '81-7722-655-X'

if (! solr->add($ds)) {
   print "\n Error: " . solr->error->{response};
   exit 1;

7. Committing the change
If autocommit is off then use commit() or rollback methods to make changes permanent or redo the operations.

if (! solr->commit()) {
    print "\n Error: " . solr->error->{response};
    exit 1;

8. Roll back the changes

if (! solr->rollback()) {
    print "\n Error: " . solr->error->{response};
    exit 1;


  1. This is exactly what I need. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello Prashant thanks for sharing knowledge.

  3. Thanks very much - this was extremely helpful.

    A couple of errors:
    In sub new you have a typo:

    I think this line
    my $response = solr->query($params, $query, "json");
    should be
    my $response = solr->search($params, $query, "json");
